Some Americans are getting as mad as hell
Illustration by KAL
IN ONE of his short
stories, “The Quantity Theory of Insanity”, Will Self suggests that
there is a fixed amount of craziness in the world. If one person
becomes a bit saner, another will become that bit madder; if one group
starts to act normally, another will start freaking out.
威尔•塞尔夫在他的短篇小说《疯狂数量理论》(”The Quantity Theory of Insanity”)中提出–在这个世界上,疯狂的总量是既定的。如果一个人变得清醒一些,就会有另一人失去等量的理智;一个群体开始行事正常,另一群体的行为就会趋于怪异。
Mr Self’s theory can be applied to all sorts of mental affliction.
Children like to think they are less bigoted than their parents, for
example. In fact, they are simply bigoted about different things:
fatties, smokers and people who drive Humvees, rather than blacks or
But the most dramatic example of the quantity theory at the moment
is anger. Many people hoped that Barack Obama would usher in an era of
good feeling after the foam-flecked Bush years. He talked endlessly
about bipartisanship and national unity. He was also a living symbol of
racial reconciliation. America greeted his inauguration with a frenzy
of flag-waving and well-wishing. But anger is back in a big way,
redistributed but also revitalised. John McCain is angry about earmarks
in the budget. (”If it seems like I’m angry, it’s because I am.”) Ben
Bernanke is angry about bailing out AIG. (”If there is a single episode
in this entire 18 months that has made
me more angry, I can’t think of one.”) And everybody is angry about the state of the economy.
Bernanke)也对政府救助AIG(美国国际集团,American International
The most popular targets of public anger are the greedheads and
incompetents who plunged the country into economic meltdown. Hardly a
day passes without a new culprit to throw stones at: CEOs who fly to
Washington in private jets to beg for a handout, financial titans who
were paid hundreds of millions to ruin their banks. And the anger has
become politicised. This year’s meeting of the Conservative Political
Action Conference (CPAC) on February 26th-28th attracted some 9,000
activists, the most ever. Taxpayer tea parties (a celebration of the
Boston event back in 1773) have sprung up across the country, drawing
anything from a few hundred protesters in New York to 2,000 in
Greenville, South Carolina. RedState, a conservative blog, is calling
on conservatives to “save the country by helping Obama to fail”.
救济的CEO们,领取亿元高薪却毁掉银行的金融界巨人们。愤怒渐趋政治化,今年的保守派政治行动会议(Conservative Political
The biggest cause of anger is Mr Obama’s willingness to bail out
everyone with a tin cup, from bankrupt bankers to incompetent carmakers
to over-their-ears mortgage-holders. People who have borrowed prudently
and lived within their means are livid that they are being asked to
bail out neighbours who splurged on McMansions and giant televisions.
Rick Santelli, a previously obscure TV journalist, became a folk hero
when he complained that Americans were being made to “subsidise the
losers’ mortgages”.
持人里克•桑塔利(Rick Santelli)因为指责美国正在”帮助那些败类偿还抵押贷款”而声名大噪,成为民间英雄。
There is also mounting fury, among centrists as well as
conservatives, about Mr Obama’s budget, with its mixture of tax hikes
for the wealthy and ambitious plans for regulating greenhouse gases and
extending the government’s role in health care. Larry Kudlow, a
television journalist who is contemplating challenging Chris Dodd for
his Connecticut Senate seat, says that Mr Obama is “declaring war on
investors, entrepreneurs, small businesses, large corporations and
private equity and venture-capital funds”. Many former supporters worry
that Mr Obama is treating the economic crisis rather as George Bush
treated September 11th-as a convenient excuse for pursuing a long-held
ideological agenda.
保健领域的职能所引起的愤怒也逐渐升级。正打算取代柯瑞斯•多德(Chris Dodd)成为康乃狄克州参议员的拉里•库德洛(Larry
治•布什(George Bush)对待911事件–它们只不过是合时宜的借口,可以用来推进长期的意识形态日程。
Anger seethes about the fact that so many big-government Democrats
mysteriously lose their appetite for taxes when it comes to paying them
themselves. This week saw the revelation that yet another of Mr Obama’s
nominees, Ron Kirk, the would-be trade representative, underpaid his
taxes in 2005-07. But above all, people are angry that Mr Obama led
them down the garden path. Bipartisanship? He is proposing one of the
most liberal budgets in decades. Abolishing earmarks ? The budget
contains 8,570 of them. Honesty? The finance, property and insurance
industries (all getting huge bail-outs) were the largest source of
campaign contributions to Mr Obama after lawyers. Transcending racism?
Eric Holder, the attorney-general, has accused Americans of being
cowards when it comes to discussing race.
Backlash time 愤怒时代
All this poses dangers for Mr Obama. The tea-party protesters who
hold up signs that read “Obama…commander and thief” are clearly
preaching to the converted. But those who hold up signs saying “Screw
up, move up” or “Honk if you’re paying my mortgage” may strike a chord
with the wider public. Almost 60% of Americans tell pollsters that they
are opposed to giving money to carmakers and banks that are in danger
of collapsing. One of the lessons from both the Carter years and the
first Clinton term is that new Democratic administrations are
vulnerable to a populist backlash from the
establishment-bashing,hypocrisy-smashing,small-business-defending right.
这些对奥巴马先生来说都是危险的信号。茶会抗议者们举着带有”奥巴马……总统和窃贼”(”Obama…commander and
thief”[4] )字眼的抗议牌,他们对背叛者提出了明确的告诫。但是举着”干得糟,升得快”(”Screw up, move up”
)或”帮我还贷款的人请鸣笛”(”Honk if you’re paying my
But this growing anger poses dangers for the right as well. The
Republican Party runs the risk of being captured by its most extreme
figures. Rush Limbaugh, a talk-show man who billed his talk to CPAC as
an “address to the nation”, is now widely regarded as the chief
spokesman for the Republican Party, much to the Democrats’ delight. The
party also risks being branded as a “party of no” at a time when most
Americans favour government activism. And Mr Obama still has an
approval rating of over 60%: no longer exceptional, but still pretty
Limbaugh)曾标榜他在保守派政治行动会议(Conservative Political Action
(”government activism”[5]) 的形势下,共和党还可能被扣上”不许党”(”party of no”[6]
Mr Obama’s most important weapon during the election campaign was
his ability to turn anti-Bush anger into pro-American hope. That now
seems a world away. The politics of the next few years will be shaped
by managing anger rather than transcending it. Mr Obama needs to direct
the rising tide of anger at rich Republicans. The Republicans need to
direct it at Mr Obama’s new establishment. Either way, hope loses.
McMansion 由 McDonald’s和mansion两词组成 ,有译麦克豪宅、麦氏豪宅、麦大宅等,意为如麦当劳快餐般,以廉价材料来建造超大面积房屋,以追求炫耀的表面效果,比如高耸的天花板、宽大的扶手楼梯等。
[4]曾经有人用“Hail to the thief, our commander in
的专辑名“Hail to the Thief”)